Card Values

In blackjack, cards’ value is determined by the value on their faces. Picture cards including J, Q, K are worth 10, while the Ace can count as either 1 or 11. Suppose that you are dealt with a Q-6; the total points you get are 16. Notably, the true blackjack comes with the Ace of spades and the Jack of spades, which generates a sum of 21. Other cases formed a total of 21 are considered an ordinary blackjack.

  • Ace: 11 or 1

  • Jack: 10

  • Eight: 8

  • Five: 5

  • Two: 2

  • King: 10

  • Ten: 10

  • Seven: 7

  • Four: 4

  • Queen: 10

  • Nine: 9

  • Six: 6

  • Three: 3

As aforementioned, blackjack is a comparing card game; therefore, players will not have to take card suits into consideration when playing, but the total value of cards in the hand. Players can choose to “Stand” with the value they have got or get another card by using the “Hit” option. Besides, “Surrender,” “Double Down” and “Split” are other blackjack playing options that players can opt for in order to beat the dealer. 

Hit: After being dealt two cards, players can ask for a “hit” to increase their hand’s value. Another card will be added to your hand. Don’t forget to get as close as 21 as possible, but not go over it, or you will bust.

Stand: If you are satisfied with the hand’s value and you assume that you can win against the machine or the dealer, you can choose to “Stand.” The blackjack machine or the dealer then can draw other cards until they beat you or their cards’ value exceeds 21.

Split: If the two initial cards you are dealt with have the same value, you can opt to “Split” them into two hands-on which you can place a separate bet. Then you are able to use these playing options such as “stand,” “hit,” etc., on each hand to win against the dealer or the blackjack machine. However, if you are holding two ten-value cards, it is not recommendable for you to split them.

Double: Blackjack lovers can use this playing option when they think they have a strong hand, and all they need is just one more card. This option can also be applied to split hands.

Blackjack: Blackjack is the most awaited hand that players want to get. It is formed by a picture card and an Ace. However, true blackjack comes with a Jack of spades and an Ace of spades.


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